I don’t know about you, but the first quarter of 2018 has been a challenge for me.


Because life got in the way of my business.

Has this happened to you?

Between a being perfection and procrastination, my first quarter goals went unachieved and are now second quarter goals.

I have to admit I was angry, disappointed, and discouraged…I was getting in my own head and stopping my progress. I know it’s all part of the journey on the path to achieving my dreams, so I have to push through and keep going.

It’s easy to get discouraged when you look at everything you planned to do and got a QUARTER of it accomplished, and you have to keep pushing out your deadlines.
So Not fun!

But… it’s important to stay on track and push through.

Little steps in the right direction are steps that will get you closer to your Dreams

So, you may have hiccups or even a setbacks, but don’t let it stop you. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back to it. Only you can make your dreams a reality.

Stop letting life get in the way. Try a few of these helpful tips:

1. Look at how far you’ve already come. You wouldn’t have made it this far if you let life stop you. Others don’t have to believe…YOU DO!

2. If you have a Success Jar, read what you’ve accomplished. If you don’t have one – create one. Here is a blog post all about them.

3. Stop beating yourself up because you’re not where you “should” be yet. You’re the only one who thinks you’re not where you should be!

4. Don’t compare yourself to others or where they are in their journey. They have their path and you have yours. Keep GOING!

5. Never stop trying. You’re not alone in your struggle – everyone has to deal with distractions. This is a good time for blinders!

6. Your thoughts determine how you feel. If you think you’re overwhelmed, you will feel it. Work on changing your thoughts. Your mind is the most powerful tool you own. Teach it to work in your favor!

7. Ask yourself “What’s the alternative?” In other words, what will I do if I stop trying? Will I achieve my dreams? As Jiminy Cricket said “Let your conscience be your guide.”

8. Unplug for a day or two. Sometimes getting away from it all is the best cure.

9. And remember… you’re important; without you there is no business. Take care of you!

How do you handle life’s hiccups?

I’d love to hear from you, please leave me a comment below and let me know. Your comment can help someone else! Or, feel free to share what you learned from this article.

Thank you for taking time to stop by.

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Email: Molli@MolliFox.com

Facebook: Molli Fox


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